Public-public and public-private partnerships
Public sector: the Professional Master’s Program in Organizational Management in Health (PMOMH) since its implementation has received and qualified students with professional training in all areas of knowledge linked to public institutions of assistance and health administration such as hospitals, basic units (including the Family Health Strategy), secondary care units (specialty clinics), Ministry of Health, municipal health secretariats, and health service support foundations. The program aims to contribute to the qualified training of the management staff, and to the process of evaluating health technologies efficiently and with technical competence.
The Program has maintained a close relationship with Departments, Secretariats, and Committees of the Ministry of Health, such as the Board for Management and Incorporation of Health Technologies (DGITS), the National Committee for the Incorporation of Technologies for SUS (CONITEC), and the Department of Science and Technology (DECIT), developing studies related to the assessment and incorporation of technologies for SUS through the elaboration of scientific evidence opinions and other products, according to signatures of a letter-agreement with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), partnership with Hospitals via PROADI-SUS, and other agreements, resulting in multilateral benefits (PMOMH, Ministry of Health, PMOMH students, society).
The Program provides support to some state health departments with consultancies in issues related to management, in addition to assisting with the managerial demands arising from the judicialization associated with new health technologies, as well as, receiving and qualifying students with specific training demands of regional interest.
Philanthropic sector: the PMOMH has been approaching health institutions in the philanthropic sector receiving professional students and through agreements for the qualification of professionals from institutions in other Brazilian states, such as Santa Casa de Campo Grande/MS (SCCG), where PMOMH recently will offer the Master’s Degree in offsite modality, training and qualifying the staff of that Institution in the practices and knowledge of Health Management, and giving support to the central objective in the establishment of a Professional Master’s Program specific to SCCG.
Private sector: the Program has attracted professionals from the private health sector linked to private and supplementary health institutions, qualifying them for the health management based on management tools to the corporate environment, generating efficient outcomes with the potential for technological exchange to other sectors. The Program has also been highly required by professionals linked to the functional staff of healthcare industries such as pharmaceutical and medical equipment laboratories.
Technological innovations, research, and development: The Program is formally linked to the Ribeirão Preto Technology Park – SUPERA®, a successful experience between the University of São Paulo, the city of Ribeirão Preto, the Government of the State of São Paulo, and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, and Communications. Such an initiative has generated innovative products developed within the scope of projects carried out by some of the professional master’s students of the Program linked to SUPERA®, many of which have received funding from agencies such as FAPESP and CNPq, generating considerable social and economic impact.